Welcome to The Ben Hardy Network, your comprehensive source for all things on the lovely British actor! You will be able to find the latest news, information, and photos to keep you up-to-date on the wonderful Mr. Hardy! Our gallery contains over 18,000 photos and growing. You may know Ben from the BBC series EastEnders, Bohemian Rhapsody, BBC/MAX's The Girl Before, and the Netflix romantic comedy Love at First Sight. This site is proudly paparazzi and gossip-free and we respect Mr. Hardy's privacy. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns; don't hesitate to contact the webmistress.
January 5, 2022  •  Ben Hardy, Gallery Updates, Magazines

I have updated the gallery with some older magazine scans, along with scans from the latest issue of Grumpy Magazine. Head over and enjoy! Magazine Scans > April 19, 2014 | TV Magazine Magazine Scans > July 20, 2014 | Notebook Magazine Magazine Scans > May 2016 | Shortlist Magazine Magazine Scans > April 21, […]

October 29, 2021  •  Ben Hardy, Gallery Updates, Interviews, Magazines

I have just added digital scans from the print edition of the Autumn 2021 issue of LEWIS Magazine, in which Ben is the cover boy! Head over to the gallery and check them out! Outtakes will be added once available. Magazine Scans > Autumn 2021 | LEWIS Magazine