Ben Hardy is a British stage and screen actor, most known for his time on the British soap EastEnders as Peter Beale from 2013-3015 and his portrayal of legendary Queen drummer Roger Taylor in the 2018 film Bohemian Rhapsody. He began acting while attending Gryphon School, then went on to the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, where he graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Arts in Acting in 2012. After graduating, Hardy went straight to the stage in productions of The Physicists and The Judas Kiss... continue reading about Mr. Hardy
courtesy of thiskryptonite on tumblr
- Established: July 1, 2019
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- Maintained by: Jen
- Contact: Form | Email
- Hits:
- @BenHardyNetwork
- @BenHardyNetwork
Archive for the 'Ben Hardy' Category |
I figured it was time to give the site a brand new look. Thanks to my good friend Claudia at Never Enough Design, we have new matching themes for the site featuring one of Ben’s newest photoshoots!
Photoshoots > Outtakes > Session 026 1883 MAGAZINE – In his new queer drama Unicorns, Ben Hardy is showing a new side to himself as an actor. Ben Hardy is feeling a little tender for two very different reasons. The first is that he spent the following evening before our interview watching — and subsequently […]
Photoshoots > Outtakes > Session 025 THE GENTLEMAN’S JOURNAL – After leaving EastEnders in 2015, Ben Hardy has been building up a steady, decade-long career orbiting young male characters in their early 20s. Now, with the release of the tender queer drama Unicorns, where he plays a single dad, he’s ready to fully embrace his […]
THE INDEPENDENT – One of the rare ‘EastEnders’ actors to leave the BBC soap and actually make it in America, the British star of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ and ‘The Voyeurs’ talks to Ellie Muir about full-frontal nudity, his new queer drama ‘Unicorns’, and why he wouldn’t work with Bryan Singer again. Ben Hardy knew […]
Ben Hardy is a British stage and screen actor, most known for his time on the British soap EastEnders as Peter Beale from 2013-3015 and his portrayal of legendary Queen drummer Roger Taylor in the 2018 film Bohemian Rhapsody. He began acting while attending Gryphon School, then went on to the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, where he graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Arts in Acting in 2012. After graduating, Hardy went straight to the stage in productions of The Physicists and The Judas Kiss... continue reading about Mr. Hardy
courtesy of thiskryptonite on tumblr
- Established: July 1, 2019
- Domains:,,
- Maintained by: Jen
- Contact: Form | Email
- Hits:
- @BenHardyNetwork
- @BenHardyNetwork