Ben Hardy is a British stage and screen actor, most known for his time on the British soap EastEnders as Peter Beale from 2013-3015 and his portrayal of legendary Queen drummer Roger Taylor in the 2018 film Bohemian Rhapsody. He began acting while attending Gryphon School, then went on to the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, where he graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Arts in Acting in 2012. After graduating, Hardy went straight to the stage in productions of The Physicists and The Judas Kiss... continue reading about Mr. Hardy
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- Established: July 1, 2019
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- Maintained by: Jen
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- @BenHardyNetwork
Year of the Horse
The Wu Xing (The Five Elements) of the Horse is Fire (Huo), so the Horse stands for zeal and passion. People born in the Years of the Horse are always having personality traits like being warm-hearted, enthusiastic, and positive. As they are lively and active, running in broad areas, so it is also the symbol of independence and freedom.
Horse personality is usually friendly and generous, so they are able to make a lot of friends. In interpersonal communication, they have commands of skills to liven up the atmosphere, which makes everyone in a harmony. Independence is also a strong point. They can survive a lot of obstacles without help from others. They have great vitality and never give in easily, so they are likely to rise in the career of their early lifetime. Meanwhile, most of them adopt a positive attitude towards life, so they can pose a good influence on friends and families. Most male Horses are romantic, and they often create surprises for others. They are eloquent and pervasive, talented in leadership. And they have insight into others’ mind, so they can always give proper response. They have acute ability of learning and perceiving. A skill or knowledge can be acquired in much shorter time than others.
Because of the Horse zodiac personality, people born with this sign are usually rebellious and unruly in their childhood, but when they grow up, they can be great achievers changing their fates. Because they love making friends, they will be helped out of most difficulties. In the course of rising, they will seize the opportunities to improve themselves so as to strengthen their vested accomplishments. Learning and experience enable them to maintain and promote their work or business.
Ben Hardy is a British stage and screen actor, most known for his time on the British soap EastEnders as Peter Beale from 2013-3015 and his portrayal of legendary Queen drummer Roger Taylor in the 2018 film Bohemian Rhapsody. He began acting while attending Gryphon School, then went on to the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, where he graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Arts in Acting in 2012. After graduating, Hardy went straight to the stage in productions of The Physicists and The Judas Kiss... continue reading about Mr. Hardy
courtesy of thiskryptonite on tumblr
- Established: July 1, 2019
- Domains:,,
- Maintained by: Jen
- Contact: Form | Email
- Hits:
- @BenHardyNetwork
- @BenHardyNetwork